Do I have ADHD?
Why am I having problems paying attention?
Do I have an attention disorder?
What are other causes of problems with concentration?
Are you a teen or adult who has always been more than a little “scatterbrained,” and you are ready to do something about it? Do you feel like you are more capable than what your work reflects? Like you are spinning your wheels, spending a lot of time and energy, but not quite getting where you want to be? You have come to the right place. I have objective measures of sustained attention that will help you, your counselor, and your doctor have the information needed to successfully treat underlying attention disorders like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Even if you do not see yourself as “hyper” as an adult, you might feel internal restlessness nowadays. Or, you might have an inattentive subtype of ADHD (previously referred to as “ADD”).
Click here to learn more about ADHD.
Click here to read more about Adults with ADHD.
College Board Test (ACT/SAT) and College Accommodations for ADHD or LD (Learning Disorder):
College Board Tests (ACT/SAT) are standardized assessments required during the admissions process by most 4-year colleges and universities. Students usually take them in their Junior year or early Senior year. Students who have already been receiving testing accommodations (e.g. extended time on tests, breaks, limited distractions, having questions read out loud) still need to apply for College Board Test accommodations, and sometimes an updated psychological evaluation is required. Similarly, most colleges require an updated psychological evaluation in order to continue any accommodations the student may have been receiving in school. Dr. Emily can help by providing an evaluation that details appropriate accommodations.
Your comprehensive evaluation will consist of an initial interview (approximately 1 hour long) in which I hear your concerns and ask you questions about your history. We will then schedule a second appointment that works for your schedule. This second appointment will be approximately 3-4 hours long, and will be individualized according to your specific needs. Some Evaluations, such as Learning Disorder Evaluations, may require an additional testing appointment. Measures that might be included:
- Cognitive measures of intellectual abilities (Here, I am gathering information about how you approach different tasks, as well as knowledge about strengths and areas of growth)
- A Continuous Performance Test (this is an objective measure of sustained attention, and consists of about 20 minutes of a simple but mundane task)
- If there are concerns about a possible Learning Disorder, your evaluation will be longer and will include Achievement testing.
- A personalized set of questionnaires, depending on your individual needs. The questionnaires will give us information about how your personality is similar and how it is different from others. These measures will also help us determine whether your symptoms reflect an underlying attention disorder and/or another diagnosis (es), as well as provide information that is used to form specific recommendations for your treatment.
- Collateral information from those who you give permission to share with me. Ideally, I will talk with a parent or other family member who is familiar with your educational and developmental history.
After I review your results, I will discuss them with you in a detailed feedback session (approximately 1 hour long). You will receive a comprehensive written report with detailed and concrete treatment recommendations and resources. I will make every effort to answer all your questions, and if more questions arise later after our session, I am always happy to hear from you and talk with you more.