Discover Your Life Mission & Purpose. Join us for an 8 Week Growth Group to discover, discern, and develop your own unique Purpose Driven Life Mission Statement!
35 Million Copies of Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life have Sold
Multiple Group Options
Zoom Option Available
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Contact Chap at laird@columbiahealing.comfor more information or to sign up!
Dream Groups
Dreams often bring us important instructions, directions, and guidance. However, few of us know how to interpret and understand our dreams, and many of us need help to even remember our dreams. Dream Groups help us pay more attention and listen to what our dreams might be telling us. Many people find that they start remembering more dreams through this process. Each week, a group member shares a dream, and the other members ask questions to elicit details including images and emotions the dreamer may have missed. Members take care to not put their interpretation on the dreamer’s dream, although gentle, tentative suggestions may be made after the dreamer has had a chance to develop their own interpretation. The group is designed as twelve weekly 90- minute sessions.
If you are interested in participating in a dream group, please e-mail
Resources for Grief
Columbia Psychology Healing Center LLC is NOT affiliated with nor endorsed by any third party sites, and not all the views, ideas, and opinions on these sites may represent ours. Links are provided for your convenience only.
Relaxation and Mindfulness
Audio Meditations for your Health
Centre for Clinical Interventions
Mountain Streams Healing Center Audio Meditations
Instructions for the cards: Each card describes something that may represent a personal value for you. The goal is to identify your top five values. It helps to sort them all into the different categories (“Important,” “Very Important,” or “Not Important”). There are some blank cards at the end if there are additional values you don’t see on any of the cards. Look at each card and place each card under one of the categories. Start by trying to put no more than 10 cards under the Very Important category. Then rank them in order of importance. Have fun!
Mindfulness Groups
Mindfulness refers to the ability to maintain awareness of the present moment with acceptance and without judgment. Mindfulness helps strengthen the “muscle” in the brain that helps us focus our attention to the present moment (rather than ruminating on the past or worrying about the future). Mindfulness can be beneficial in reducing dissociation, alleviating anxiety and depression, reducing chronic pain, and improving your focus and concentration. Mindfulness helps us become more aware of our emotions and our needs. In addition to mindfulness, this group helps participants gain coping skills to recognize, regulate, validate, tolerate, and appropriately respond to strong emotions with self-compassion as well as assertive communication skills. The group is designed as weekly 60-minute sessions.
If you are interested in participating in a Mindfulness Group, please email Emily
Psychiatry Resources
Columbia Psychology Healing Center LLC is NOT affiliated with nor endorsed by any third party sites, and not all the views, ideas, and opinions on these sites may represent ours. Links are provided for your convenience only.