Dr. Julie Highstreet, PsyD

Provisionally Licensed Psychologist
Supervised for licensure hours by Dr. Emily Crawford-Thompson, Ph.D.

Dr. Julie Highstreet earned her doctorate in clinical psychology with a concentration in forensics.  She provides comprehensive psychological evaluations and individual therapy for adults. Dr. Julie understands that deciding who to trust in sharing your questions and concerns can be a difficult and important decision. Dr. Julie works to build a safe space where you can feel heard and supported. Dr. Julie has experience with individual and group therapy and psychological evaluations in a variety of settings including forensic sites, hospitals, and day programs focused on individuals diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders.  With her genuine and nonjudgmental approach, she excels at building trust to help reduce the shame, fear, and anger that often come out of trauma and other difficult life experiences.  Her client-centered approach emphasizes a person’s strengths, and she utilizes an integrative approach to adapt different evidence-based techniques to meet you where you are. Dr. Julie is skilled in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems, and Self Psychology.

Dr. Julie works with ages 18 and up, and she offers individual counseling sessions for $200/hour.  Psychological evaluation rates are as follows:

Initial interview (1st session) $250

Testing (2nd session) $2000 (most testing is 3-4 hours, and an additional 7-10 hours is spent scoring/interpreting tests, compiling collateral information, reviewing any available records, gathering treatment recommendations/resources, and writing the report. You are not being charged for the cost of the testing materials, which are significant.)  Dr. Julie or her supervisor, Dr. Emily Crawford-Thompson, personally administers, scores, and interprets all tests. NO psychometrists are utilized.  Learning Disorder Evaluations are $2500 as they require additional testing and report-writing time.

Feedback (3rd session) $250

Financing options are available through Advance Care Card.

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Schedule a free telephone consultation to find out if Dr. Julie is a good fit for you.  Telehealth appointments are also available.

Contact Dr. Julie at julie@columbiapsychology.com.  Please note that Dr. Julie only works with adults.  Note:  Dr. Emily Crawford-Thompson supervises and is very involved with Dr. Julie Highstreet’s work, so by participating in an evaluation with Dr. Julie, you are benefiting from the experience, skills, and input of both Dr. Emily and Dr. Julie!

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What Clients say about Our Evaluations

“Such a positive and validating experience.  She really liked you and said you made her feel comfortable and that you were genuine.”

“The evaluation and subsequent treatment I’ve received have really helped me in a lot of ways, and my life is definitely taking an unexpected and awesome turn. I really appreciate it.”

“Your guidance and support from the very first day has definitely made a difference, and your energy and calming spirit has carried with me.”

“You are really easy to talk to.  I’m surprised how much I opened up.  I didn’t think I would.  Thank you so much for all your hard work.  I’m feeling relieved and very hopeful.”

“This was definitely a good idea.  You are amazing.  This was a great experience.  Often people on the spectrum feel drained after testing, but I didn’t because you made this very comfortable and put me at ease.”

“Thank you – I thoroughly enjoyed getting your expertise & your personal down-to-earth-ness! You made my experience so light and enjoyable.”

“You are clearly doing what the Lord has called you to do.”

“This is the best thing I have ever done.  This explains so much, and I feel better already just knowing what is going on.”

“This is so amazingly helpful.  I will be reading this again several times; there is so much in here I find valuable.  Thank you so much!”

“WOW!! This is wonderful! I have a feeling that we will be referring to your report, and to other resources suggested in your report, for years to come.”

“Thank you for your thorough assessment.  It was information we have needed for a long time, and the first time we received feedback that was right on target and seemed to explain our son perfectly.”

” I feel relieved.  Things are a lot less scary when you have a name for it.  I’m glad to have direction rather than just trying different medications and questioning whether I am being treated for the right diagnosis.”

“It’s been more helpful than I can describe.”

“I could tell all along it was your goal to find answers and give direction, so I felt relieved already.”

“This is a beautiful document.  I’m amazed at the amount of work you did and how many helpful resources there are and how well-organized it is.”

“I feel like I have a narrative to my struggles, which accurately reflects my experience.”

“I am excited that my therapy will now have a direction.”

“I am so glad I did this.  I have closure and I know where to start.  It is very helpful.  I really appreciate it, it’s definitely worth it!”

 “I think you’re amazing, you’re super nice and good at what you do.”
“Thank you.  This explains a lot.”
 “I am so glad I did this.  This validates my experiences and now I’m more aware of some things I need to work on.”
“I think you’re excellent.”
“I am glad I did this; it’s a learning experience that provides opportunities for me to grow.”
“I am glad to see my strengths.  And the results are consistent with feedback that others have given me, but more in depth.”
“This experience has restored my faith in the mental health community.”
“It was very validating.  I felt like we now have more of the whole picture.  It was all worth it.  The diagnosis is helping me reframe a lot of things that used to be shameful.  I am looking forward to trying new things and utilizing all the resources you gave me.”
“I feel an immense sense of relief.  This has been wonderful.  Thank you for the detailed report.”
“I don’t feel as broken.  There is glue nearby.  I am glad you are doing what you do.  I couldn’t imagine talking to someone with more empathy.  You gave me the best present.”
“I never had that many resources provided to me.  It is amazing!”
“This process has been great; you’ve been so encouraging and positive.”
“This is wonderful.  You changed my life!”
“This is an incredibly in depth look at me, I’m impressed. Thank you for taking so much time to go through it all with me.  I really appreciate it!”
“Thank you so much.  The report was really really well-written and affirming.  I really appreciate it.”